Friday, January 15, 2010

Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

This Sunday's edition of Tuned In will feature the president of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Ellen Lehman.

Ellen has served The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee as president since it began in 1991, and has seen it grow to become a philanthropic force in a forty-county area in Middle Tennessee. With a background in sociology and business, Ellen directs The Foundation's efforts to promote and facilitate charitable giving and endowment building, thereby giving donors choices, convenience, cost-effectiveness and security, as they make their charitable dreams a reality.

We talk about the recent tragedies in Haiti and how the CFMT is going to help with this unimaginable disaster.

This link will let you listen to our interview

While details are still unfolding about the devastation in the aftermath of an earthquake in Haiti, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee is poised to react when disaster strikes here at home or in places around the world. The Foundation has systems to simplify and expedite the process of helping people in need, and our focus during a time of disaster is to connect generosity with need.

Gifts of any size are welcome from those who want to help, and grants from the Haiti Earthquake Response Fund of The Community Foundation will be given to nonprofits and aid groups for immediate response, clean-up, and restoration efforts in the aftermath of the earthquake. Click here to give to the Haiti Earthquake Response Fund.

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